Just Go On n On!

I start my journey,
With hope in my eyes,
With friends all around,
n rays of light!

..n I hear them say..
Grow like a tree,
Who shares everything she has,
Every here n there,
Stand like a tree,
Down to earth yet strong,
With family n friends all around,
U know U can withstand any storm!

Be peaceful like water,
n gentle like wind,
Swim n Jump n hop n wink,
Fill out your life,
With different colors,
All in tints!

Take one step at a time,
n give it that last touch,
Work Work Work,
n go on n on,
Share your views,
n your thoughts all along,
Learn n Learn,
As much possibly u can,
Becus that's the best gift
we humans have.
Remember this journey,
Is going to end one day,
So just carry along,
all light stuff with u,
Don't forget your loved onez
are always gonna remember u.
Smile n Walk,
n singingly say,
Green grass, Blues skies
are all here to stay!